Bohler FOX CN 29/9 Electrodes

2.00246.00 inc. VAT
Dissimilar Metals

Bohler FOX CN 29/9 Electrodes. Rutile basic electrode of type 29 % Cr 9% Ni / E312.

BÖHLER FOX CN 29/9 is a repair & maintenance electrode that offers outstanding operating characteristics and weld metals of high strength combined with high crack resistance when welding problem steels or dissimilar joints.

The weld metal also work hardens making it suitable for wear resisting build-ups on clutches, gear wheels, shafts, etc.

For problem steels with high strength, joining of dissimilar materials, tool steels, heat treatable or quenched and tempered steels, spring steels, high carbon steels etc.

AWS A5.4: E312-16

EN ISO 3581-A: E 29 9 R 1 2

SKU: 3a51fb70d5b5 Categories: , ,
