Blue Tip Tungsten Electrode – 2.0% Lanthanated

1.503.63 inc. VAT
TIG Welding Accessories

The blue tip tungsten electrode – 2.0% lanthanated are alloyed with non radioactive lanthanum oxide, often referred to as lanthana, another of the rare earth elements. These electrodes have excellent arc starting, low erosion rate, arc stability and excellent re-ignition characteristics.

The 2.0% lantanated tungsten  most closely match the conductivity properties of 2% thoriated tungsten. Compared to cerium and thorium the lanthana electrodes had less tip wear at given current levels. Lanthanum electrodes generally have longer life and provide greater resistance to tungsten contamination of the weld.

The lanthana is dispersed evenly throughout the entire length of the electrode and it maintains a sharpened point well, which is an advantage for welding steel and stainless steel on DC or the AC from advanced squarewave power sources. Thus the lanthana electrodes work well on AC or DC electrode negative with a pointed end or they can be balled for use with AC sine wave power sources.

• Composition: 98% Tungsten, 2.0% Lanthanum
• Application: DC Welding on Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Nickel and Titanium
• Specialty: Excellent arc striking. Can replace 2% Thoriated without changing welding parameters
• Note: Can be used for AC welding with a pointed tip on square wave and has a high current capacity
